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"More abuse of sprites than any other comic"

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June 22nd 2002

Nothing much to update with. Just loading up a nice filler, which contains one of my many "Dark Lauto" sprites. This is my first try at making a Lauto sprite. I must say.. Lauto seems almost.. right. It may seem weird, but it seems to be it's own person. Indeed.

June 16th 2002

I guess I've been away a while, haven't I? I offer no excuses or appologies. I've had many things going on in my life recently, and I didn't get this site work done. The new design isn't finished either. But I do have this huge comic. Mind you.. there won't be many more of these. It took a month and a half to do it, mainly because it was so big.. I didn't work on it. Four panel comics from now on if you please.. I do like "today's" comic though. It is nice. And Doom Clucker is a bastardly chicken.. isn't it?


April 6th 2002

This is the comic that wouldn't die, honoring the author that never gives up. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DAVE. Yes, it's a little late, but I put a lot into this one. Super backgrounds, new characters, and a 'Golden Moogle' statue from hell. To another two years. Long live my inspiration! Oh, and long live BnG. Regular comics will continue this week with the battle between Doom Clucker and Bass. Have fun.

April 1st 2002

If today's comic is strange to you people, bear with me.. it's just as strange to me. I don't know where the inspiration came from, but it's going to be an interesting fight. It won't be long, so don't worry about watching Bass and the chicken fight for three or four comics :P. Nothing much to say.. besides I liked how the conversation moved along in today's. The wind and the leaves when Bass was contemplating was interesting as well. Plus, I had fun doing the last panel.

March 30th 2002

This happens to be an update to let people know that I won't be updating for a bit. Between Battle Network, school work, and having a guest over for the week, adding into that my own inability to get work done, I'll be taking time off from doing actual comic work. Hopefully, I'll get some more spriting in, but I seem to be doing less and less lately.. I'm "still" looking for someone to help me with this on-going project, but so far, I've found no one. If things don't clear up, or I can't get some help, updates will be few and far between. I feel bad about this, as I'm sure others probably do what I do far better. Somehow, I've tried to be on that level, but it's difficult. Enough of my seemingly useless whining :P . Time to get back to life. If all else fails, I can become a sprite hermit like Ran, and become a legend that way.

March 26th 2002

New comic up! The pumpkin is evil, and his name be Nathan! We shall soon see but a glimpse of his real power. In the next comic or so, Death should be arriving at the Light residence, hopefully ending his own quest. I'm going to be doing more work, and this site and material on it may be pushed back. I'll try to get the cast area updated by the weekend, but don't keep your fingers crossed. Still looking for someone to help me with the site and the comic.. still waiting, for some reason expecting to get mail. I had hoped my fans, if I have any, might be gaining numbers, and some accomplished comic artists might be reading. That doesn't seem to be the case. Hopefully updates won't become too sporadic, but bear with me.

March 25th 2002

This update is long coming, but here. New comic today, plus I managed to start some new character designs over my week long vacation, which seemingly was actually spent playing games or doing art work. As you will probably not know, I've been taking art classes, and I must say I didn't know I had potential. I may load up some of what I've done, but don't expect anything good. Still in the student stage here. Pretty soon though, I hope to be able to EXE'ise my characters in my artwork. I must say I've become re-addicted to Megaman Battle Network, and it will probably start over again with the second game. RPGs are my bane, especially ones with great storyline. Just can't walk away.. Oh well, added a new link to my Links page, to a site that has EXCELLENT Rockman comics! And by God's name, they're HAND DRAWN! And they're funny. You don't see that too often. As always, e-mail me if you have any questions about my comics or about me. For businesses, credit card companies, or Army/Navy/Air Force/Coast Guard/Reserve recruiters (I get these a lot), please refer your e-mails to someone that reads them and/or cares. I'll join the service whenever I'm out of college. Preferably the Air Force.

March 19th 2002

I'm taking a break. I need to work on my artistic abilities, and also renew my sanity. Headaches from sitting at this computer too long are bothering me. In addition, I need to write further my plot. It's not complete yet. I'll be back this coming Monday! About the filler. I'm not playing on your heartstrings.. the seeming depression in the strip is just a joking bit. I really haven't been doing this long enough to be swarmed by mass emails or be told that I don't care about you people. Also, I'm not insensitive, as I feel for those webmasters who have to go through that. To them I say: What's better? Your sanity and your life, or your website and your work? I'm not sure how they would answer that though. Send me ideas! The one is listening.

March 18th 2002

No update besides the comic. I have a huge headache.. Might have another comic up Wensday. All depends on how tommorow goes. Mail me if you have any questions about today's comic, I don't think it came across as well as I had intended.

March 13th 2002

Not much of an update. All I have today is this new comic, plus a CAST PAGE. Not much to it though, just pictures of the current cast. I'll add more tommorow. G'night. I'll hopefully have something else up Friday.

March 9th 2002

Large update today. All the comics should be changed over to '.gif' format so they load faster. Also, some new comics up. Comic today is done. Not much to say, except I've been busy. Maybe some more later on.


"Insanity is it's best reward."

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