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Oi. Well, for the disclaimer.

1. I claim no rights to any sprites I use from the various snes games I get them from. All sprites and images from these games belong to their individual owners, all large corporations that make money off of them. Now they're too nice to sue me over some little comic I have made, which I make ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY OFF OF IT AND GET PAID NOTHING FOR IT TO EVEN EXIST. You know why? Because they're too busy making future games for your playing pleasure.

2. All images taken from Squaresoft's games are theirs. Go to their site. Visit them.

3. The same goes for Capcom games, and the images I take from them, mainly Megaman sprites and such. They're good too.

4. All images I make are MINE. They are not to be used by anyone else without my expressed permission. This means you. Odds are, if you want them for a comic of your own, i'll let them move to your comic for cameos. But DO NOT USE THEM FULL TIME. They belong to my comic, they arent your characters. Make your own ideas and characters up. It's not that hard. You only have to be insane. In addition, all backgrounds, buttons, and other assorted useless items you might get from my site are still mine. If I see you using them, Keenspace may be giving you a call.

5. Anything said in my comics are said with the full intent of provoking humor and/or rational thought, wherever such things are valid in the world today. No one should be offended by anything said on this site, as it probably has nothing to do with you as an individual. Anything I say about people I say with the full intent of speaking about them as a whole. Please.. if you want to do some good, you're better off trying to clean up your highways than you are trying to take me down because of something said here in the name of humor.

6. The False God loves you. He is you

7. I will never write another annoying disclaimer again, unless it's necessary.

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