Rockman, the Inane Hero
Rockman, Megaman, Blue Boy, Target
Protection of the world from global threats or maverick Robot Masters / Dr.
Protoman: Non-blood-relation brother, Roll: Non-blood-relation sister, Rush:
His faithful dog companion, Dr. Light: His half-demented creator, Bass: His
He's been fighting the likes of Dr. Wily and his gang almost since his
creation. Everytime, he goes up against overwhelming (or underwhelming) odds,
yet always seems to save the day. Unfortunately, he hasn't yet learned that Dr.
Wily will never give up. Though usually the only one fighting against Dr. Wily,
he has had some help in the past from his brother, Protoman, and even some help
from Rush and other of Dr. Light's creations. The only enemy so far that has
been able to stand up to him and survive has been Bass, Dr. Wily's single
greatest fighter. All went well for Wily, until Rock beat the crap out of Bass,
and in the end gained his respect and quasi-friendship. He has continued to
this day fighting the evil doctor's creations, until recent circumstances have
seemingly pushed back that priority..
Rockman has shown himself to be intelligent and brave, although at times
without too much common sense. He is active at times, and in deep thought at
others. He seems to be good natured towards most people, unless they cause some
harm. At those times, he stands up for what he believes in, and fights to set
right what he sees as wrong. Has a good taste for food, and loves competetive
sport of any kind, especially with Protoman, whom he continually tries to best.
Is protective and caring of his sister Roll, and trusting of Rush, his fearless
helper. Has made for himself, over all, a generally decent life. In fact, his
really only major problem with the world seems to be Dr. Wily, and others like
him. As it is, he seems to be a rather stable person, and capable of filling
out his protecting role.. although at times, I'm sure he'd rather just have a
more simplistic life.
Rock Buster, with the capacity for a double charge.
Sliding ability.
Robot Master abilities.
Great strength and stamina.
The ability to eat at Taco Bell and live.
Interactions in the comic:
To be updated!
Protoman, the Watcher
Protoman, Blues, Break Man, Racer X
He intends to rid the world of Dr. Wily and his creations, a vengeance that is
concealed in his past.. / Independent
Relations: Rockman: Non-blood-relations brother, Roll: Non-blood-relations
sister, Dr. Light: His half-demented creator
Background: The first robotic humanoid creation of Dr. Light and Dr. Wily
(besides all the annoying BnG author characters), he is perhaps the most
resourceful of any of their later designs. Leaving Dr. Light early on to pursue
his own life and agenda, he only later started keeping in contact with his
brother, Rock. When his brother became more increasingly in need of help with
each conflict with Wily, Protoman started appearing more and more to back him
up. Only recently coming in from the cold to spend more time with his "family",
he has found it oddly enjoyable living in the crazed Light household. With
Wily's aims defeated for the day, Protoman found it comfortable to settle down
for a time. But with the recent arrival of these strange visitors, it is likely
that he will leave once again to began work tracking down who they are..
Personality: At first glance, Protoman would appear to be the prodigal child,
leaving early to carry out his own life's designs. His past is shrouded in much
mystery, as neither of his creators have chosen to discuss it with anyone.
Distrustful of people's motives, he does not offer much opinion of the world,
as he has little good to speak of it. Angry with the conflict of the world, he
has worked to somehow fix it. The only one he seems to take into confidence is
his brother Rock, who he actually says little to. Over time, he hopes he can
somehow come to terms with his own untrusting nature, and try to believe more
in the good sides of people.
Having a personality that one would describe as 'aloof', he finds amusement in
the awkward antics of others. Possessing of a wide knowledge of the human
psyche, he has a good understanding of people's motives. Deep in his past
though, he harbors some deep anger that leads him to adopt the lifestyle he
does. Hopefully he can one day air it out, in hopes of resolving it.
Proto Buster, with several accelerated techniques.
Protoshield, made of a high density metal alloy with beam shielding.
Quick-Dash ability.
Robot Master abilities.
Great strength and stamina.
The technique to perform the perfect taunt pose.
A cool whistle, with accompanying tune.
Interactions in the comic:
To be updated!
Bass, the Nemesis
Roll, the Sane
Dr.Light, the Partially Mad Scientist
Nathan, the Maverick
Death, the Peace Bringer
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