Here are all old news and update additions. This page will be updated when the situation warrants it.

March 3rd 2002

MWEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE... *cough* No updates today. Comics for Monday and Wensday loaded up however. They will work, as long as keenspace doesn't go down again. Looking to find a writer. God I need help making some jokes to go along with my great storyline. Not really that.. but I need to some material for work on my Robot Masters.

March 2nd, 2002

Update today. Rock takes his turn, blasting Pumpkinman's head clear over the horizon. Not much to say today. Another comic will be up Monday, with another hopefully up Wensday. Have fun people. Glorify yourself in my |33+ (lame) HTML skills!

February 28th, 2002

Pretty big update. Haven't been doing comics that much because of school work. However, I have up today a memorial to Chuck Jones, of Warner Brothers fashion. Also, I did my first ad banner for this site. I'll be putting it up right here just for a while. I've been working on improving my sprite working skills, but they're still not good enough. I'm going to attempt to send my comics over to the BnG community, to see if they'll host me instead of here. I'm sick of putting my sprite comics up on Keenspace. Nothing against them, but I don't feel right using their server for my sprite comics, when others could use the space for their own drawn work. Not to say my comics are bad.. It's just I don't wish to put them up here. I'll however be putting up my own drawn stuff say.. within a month and a half. Until then, any sprite comics I do up till then, I'll send here. If I however get moved over to BnG, catch me there. For the maybe two or three people that actually view this site, if that many, hope you like my work.

February 25th, 2002

Comic should have been updated this morning, but the server was down last night for some odd reason, so I wasn't able to. I was already late for my work this morning, so I didn't have time to fool with it. Protoman seems to have fun in today's comic, taking revenge on the Mysterious Pumpkinman (To be named). At any rate, comics should be appearing more frequently, or less frequently... however my days go. Thinking of doing something on the BnG community for fun.

February 22nd, 2002

I was lazy. Sorry, I should've had more comics done this week. How about this. Make it up to you by doing an animated one Sunday. How's that sound? All in all, I've pretty much spent the whole week either gaming or doing work. Nothing much spent on this site. Finished some more sprites though. Seem to be gaining skill in making them too. Of course.. how much skill do you need to modify sprites you 'borrow' from games? Oh well, it's a living.. even though I make nothing whatsoever off of it.

February 19th, 2002

Well today's comic should've been put up yesterday, but I managed to put it off too long. Too much time spent on school and other (food, sprites, games, work, etc.). I'm finding out more and more what it's like to run a website, and I'm starting to feel the pain of those that run SUCCESSFUL comics with millions of fancomics and subsections. I imagine they must drink alot... On a side note, found a better graphics program than MS Paint. Now all that's needed is for me to have a working knowledge of it. I'm being lazy and not messing with it. It's hard to try new things. Still looking for someone to help with the site and the comics.. I have my doubts that anyone will apply though. This link right here is good enough until I feel like making a mail button.

February 15th, 2002

All days have their moments, except this one. Uploaded tommorow's comic, and started work on Monday's. Still no animated comics for Sunday, because I'm trying to find a graphics editor that will let me do it. Three characters with sprites almost ready. No cast page yet, even though I said I would have one up. I've been busy. Updates will probably come slowly, as I work on a new layout. Enjoy.

February 13th, 2002

Long time, no update. Oh well. Unfortunately, I've been sick today and yesterday. Which means I will have to hurry up if I want to finish my latest comics. If they're a little late, I'll deal. Nothing much changed, except fixing a screwup with one of the comics. Needa mix a few ideas together. Working on characters right now. Can't have too many characters. Update later.

February 9th, 2002

First comic up. If you notice any difference between this one and the prologue, it's because the prologue was made AFTER this one. Anyway, my first try at humor may have fallen short in this and the upcoming ones, but it sets the undertones for the story. Also, yes, that floating head has a name, but that information has to wait. I dont feel like changing the site around today, except for fixing a few typos and broken links.

February 8th, 2002

Curse be gods. As it is, I didnt know some other already established and successful comic had my name. I have decided to change the name of this comic and page, to something else, seeing as how I dont want to be accused of confusion to get people to read mine. New name in the works, dont know what yet. Until then, the site wont change. Needa talk to keenspace to get them to fix this. This also means, gotta change the server name, new logo, comic modifications, photoshop, and need to reinstall Ahaview.. whew.. Indeed. In other news, old news has been moved to it's own place of shame. I intend to call in opinions two years from now, and let you tell me how my news updating has improved since now.

February 7th, 2002

Nothing much, besides one new comic up. Also, links have been moved to a Links page. Switching out text links for animated/stationary gif or jpeg images from the site I'm linking to. Attempting to use their own banners, instead of embarassing them with something I might make. Cast page in works, after it being put off for a couple of days due to previous engagements. In addition to the links page, a new Old News page, with old updates and talk. Looking to start a rant page, and set something up for me to tell you about myself, however doubtful it is that you would care in the least. Having a good Thursday, looking foward to tommorow. Wont be doing much for this weekend, as I have some work to catch up on. Thinking of doing a site of the day for updates, but I'd actually have to go and look at other places, instead of slaving away to set my site up.. Well, I'll think about it. February 3rd, 2002

Some minor changes. Added a disclaimer page. Fixed the intro comic, two panels were swapped. Also, fixed the date. Movin.. justa movin along. Also, added a chat applet. Temporarily linked here

February 2nd, 2002

Here it is, the first comic. Have fun with it, it's a prologue I spent today working on. I'm quite tired. I've stared at this screen too long. I'll keep this update short. Comics will be coming in every one to two days, and hopefully have some animated comics up on sundays. (Not this sunday. I'm relaxin.) Links to my favorite sites will stay up until I script a link page. It'll probably be done tommorow. Also, adding a cast page soon, and some previews of upcoming characters.


Now looking for an artist. Currently in need of someone to do portraits of my characters for my cast page. Also in need of someone to lighten my upcoming load for custom sprites. If you're willing to help, i'll give you full credit for the sprites. Plus, i'll list you in the credits for each comic. Also, I may be able to set you up with a sub comic area, if you have comics yourself. My, the day went fast, didnt it?

February 1st, 2002

The birth of something new. Something not seen before. Heavens save us, there's a new online comic out there! However, this one will prove very interesting in the end. Welcome to Chaos Comics, your only stop for everything about life. It's stupidity, it's insanity, it's hopes. For everyone that comes here, I welcome you to something about me.

To begin with, a sprite based Megaman comic. Yes, it's been done before, many many times before.. but here it will develop into something special. An interpretation of life and humanity, even though it's characters dont trully have such. View and see what you think.

Although I dont have perfect artistic ability, I try. If i'm a little behind on custom images or comics, it's because I'm hard at work making them. It's not (usually) because i'm being lazy. I will be eventually moving on into my own hand drawn comics, for which i hope to have the skill and patience to commit to and put on this site for your viewing pleasure.

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